* indicates corresponding author; students and visiting scholars in our group are marked in bold.
A. Alali, S. Wang, Z. Zhu*, and J. Atkinson. “Formation of oil-particle aggregates with motor oil and kaolinite clay in cold and warm freshwater”. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts. 2023. (pdf)
S. H. Ghodsi, Z. Zhu*, L. S. Matott, A. Rabideau, and M. N. Torres. “Optimal siting of rainwater harvesting systems for reducing combined sewer overflows at city scale”. Water Research, 2023. (pdf)
Y. Yang, S. Wang*, Z. Zhu, and L. Jin. “Prediction model and consequence analysis for riverine oil spills”. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2022. (pdf)
Y. Shen, Z. Zhu, and C. Jiang*. “E-DBCM: A Dynamically Coupled Upland and In-stream Water Quality Model for Watershed Water Quality Simulation”. Frontiers in Water, 2022. (pdf)
C. Hu, B. Liu, S. Wang, Z. Zhu, A. Adcock, J. Simpkins, and X. Li*. “Spatiotemporal Correlation Analysis of Hydraulic Fracturing and Stroke in the United States”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022. (pdf)
Y. Hui, D. Shlea, J. F. Atkinson*, Z. Zhu, and T. Redder. “Model Development in Support of Lake Ontario Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative”. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 2022. (pdf)
J. E. Fontecha, A. Nikolaev, J. L. Walteros*, and Z. Zhu. “Scientists Wanted? A Literature Review on Incentive Programs that Promote Pro-Environmental Consumer Behavior: Energy, Waste, and Water”. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 2022. (link)
L. Li, Y. Wang*, L. Wang, Q. Hu, Z. Zhu, L. Li, and C. Li. “Spatiotemporal Accuracy Evaluation of MSWEP Daily Precipitation over the Huai River Basin, China: A Comparison Study with Representative Satellite- and Reanalysis-Based Products”. Journal of Geographical Sciences, accepted.
L. Li, J. Qiao, L. Wang, G. Yu, H. Li, C. Liao*, and Z. Zhu*. “Interpretable tree-based ensemble model for predicting beach water quality”. Water Research, 2022. (pdf)
M. N. Torres*, A. Rabideau, S. H. Ghodsi, Z. Zhu, and L. S. Matott. “Spatial design strategies and performance of porous pavements for reducing combined sewer overflows”. Journal of Hydrology, 2022. (pdf)
H. Li*, Z. Tan, H. Ma, Z. Zhu, G. Abeshu, S. Zhu, S. Cohen, T. Zhou, D. Xu, and L. R. Leung. “A new large-scale suspended sediment model and its application over the United States”. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2022. (pdf)
G. Abeshu, H. Li*, Z. Zhu*, Z. Tan, and R. Leung. “Median bed-material sediment particle size across rivers in the contiguous U.S.”. Earth System Science Data, 2022. (pdf)
Y. Li, Z. Zhu*, D. Soong*, H. Khorasani, S. Wang, F. Fitzpatrick, and M. Garcia. “FluOil: A Novel Tool for Modeling the Transport of Oil-Particle Aggregates in Inland Waterways”. Frontiers in Water, 2022. (pdf)
A. M. Saharia, Z. Zhu*, and J. F. Atkinson. “Compound flooding from lake seiche and river flow in a freshwater coastal river”. Journal of Hydrology, 2021. (pdf)
H. Khorasani and Z. Zhu*. “Phosphorus Retention in Lakes: A Critical Reassessment of Hypotheses and Static Models”. Journal of Hydrology, 2021. (pdf)
A. Roseboro, M. N. Torres*, Z. Zhu, and A. Rabideau. “The impacts of climate change and porous pavement on combined sewer overflows: A case study of the City of Buffalo, New York, USA”. Frontiers in Water, 2021. (pdf)
S. H. Ghodsi, Z. Zhu*, H. Gheith, A. Rabideau, M. N. Torres, and K. Meindl. “Modeling the Effectiveness of Rain Barrels, Cisterns, and Downspout Disconnections for Reducing Combined Sewer Overflows in a City-Scale Watershed”. Water Resources Management, 2021. (link)
H. Khorasani, J. Xu, T. Nguyen, Z. Kralles, P. Westerhoff, N. Dai, and Z. Zhu*. “Contribution of Wastewater- Versus Non-Wastewater-Derived Sources to Haloacetonitriles Formation Potential in a Wastewater-Impacted River”. Science of the Total Environment, 2021. (link)
M. N. Torres*, J. E. Fontecha, J. L. Walteros, Z. Zhu, Z. Ahmed, J. P. Rodríguez, and A. Rabideau. “City-scale optimal location planning of Green Infrastructure using piece-wise linear interpolation and exact optimization methods”. Journal of Hydrology, 2021. (link)
Y. Hui*, J. F. Atkinson, Z. Zhu, D. Schlea, and T. Redder. “Invasive Dreissenid Mussel Effects on Phosphorus Dynamics in Lake Ontario: Insights from Integrated Hydrodynamic-Ecological Modeling”. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2021. (link) (Editor's Choice)
Y. Hui, Z. Zhu*, J. F. Atkinson, and A. M. Saharia. “Impacts of Phosphorus Loading Temporal Pattern on Benthic Algae Growth in Lake Ontario”. Journal of Hydrology, 2021. (link)
Y. Hui*, D. Farnham, J. F. Atkinson, Z. Zhu, and Y. P. Feng. “Circulation in Lake Ontario: A Numerical and Physical Model Analysis”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2021. (link)
D. Yin, L. Wang*, Z. Zhu, S. Clark, Y. Cao, J. Besek, and N. Dai. “Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and Cropland Change Affecting Water Quality: Evidence from Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing”. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2021. (link)
L. Wang, Z. Zhu*, L. Sassoubre, G. Yu, C. Liao, Q. Hu, and Y. Wang. “Improving the Robustness of Beach Water Quality Modeling using an Ensemble Machine Learning Approach”. Science of the Total Environment, 2021. (pdf)
S. Wang*, Y. Yang, Z. Zhu, L. Jin, and S. Ou. “Riverine Deposition Pattern of Oil–Particle Aggregates Considering the Coagulation Effect”. Science of the Total Environment, 2020. (pdf)
C. Liao, J. B. Xavier*, and Z. Zhu*. “Enhanced inference of ecological networks by parameterizing ensembles of population dynamics models constrained with prior knowledge”. BMC Ecology, 2020. (pdf)
M. Shahed Behrouz, Z. Zhu*, L. S. Matott, and A. Rabideau. “A new tool for automatic calibration of Storm Water Management Model (SWMM)”. Journal of Hydrology, 2020. (pdf)
S. H. Ghodsi*, Z. Zahmatkesh, E. Goharian, R. Kerachian, and Z. Zhu. “Optimal Design of Low Impact Development Practices in Response to Climate Change”. Journal of Hydrology, 2020. (pdf)
M. N. Torres*, J. E. Fontecha, Z. Zhu, J. Walteros, and J. P. Rodríguez. “A participatory approach based on stochastic optimization for the spatial allocation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems for rainwater harvesting”. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2020. (pdf)
A. M. Saharia, Z. Zhu*, N. Aich, M. Baalousha, and J. F. Atkinson. “Modeling the transport of titanium dioxide nanomaterials from combined sewer overflows in an urban river”. Science of the Total Environment, 2019. (pdf)
K. Macro, L. S. Matott, A. Rabideau, S. Hamed Ghodsi, and Z. Zhu*. “OSTRICH-SWMM: A New Multi-Objective Optimization Tool for Green Infrastructure Planning with SWMM”. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2019. (pdf)
Z. Zhu, D. T. Soong*, T. Garcia, M. Shahed Behrouz, S. E. Butler, E. A. Elizabeth, M. J. Diana, J. J. Duncker, and D. H. Wahl. “Using Reverse-time Egg Transport Analysis for Predicting Asian Carp Spawning Grounds in the Illinois River”. Ecological Modelling, 2018. (pdf)
Y. Hui, Z. Zhu*, and J. F. Atkinson. “Mass Balance Analysis and Calculation of Wind Effects on Heat Fluxes and Water Temperature in a Large Lake”. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 2018. (pdf)
V. Vijayashanthar, J. Qiao, Z. Zhu*, P. Entwistle, and G. Yu. “Modeling Fecal Indicator Bacteria in Urban Waterways using Artificial Neural Networks”. ASCE-Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2018. (pdf)
L. Wang, Q. Hu*, Y. Wang, Z. Zhu, L. Li, Y. Liu, and T. Cui. “Using Copulas to evaluate rationality of rainfall spatial distribution in a design storm”. Water, 2018. (pdf)
Z. Zhu*, D. Waterman, M. García. “Modeling the Transport of Oil-Particle Aggregates Resulting from an Oil Spill in a Freshwater Environment”. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 2018. (pdf)
Z. Zhu*, J. LeRoy, B. Rhoads, and M. García. “HydroSedFoam: A New Parallelized Two-dimensional Hydrodynamic, Sediment Transport, and Bed Morphology Model”. Computers & Geosciences, 2018. (pdf)
Z. Zhu*, V. Morales, M. García. “Impact of Combined Sewer Overflows on Urban River Hydrodynamic Modeling: A Case Study of the Chicago Waterway”. Urban Water Journal, 2017. (pdf)
Z. Zhu*, D. Motta, P. R. Jackson, M. García. “Numerical Modeling of Simultaneous Tracer Release and Piscicide Treatment for Invasive Species Control in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, Chicago, Illinois”. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 2017. (pdf)
J. Quijano*, Z. Zhu, V. Morales, B. Landry, M. García. “Three-dimensional Model to Capture the Fate and Transport of Combined Sewer Overflow Discharges: A Case Study in the Chicago Area Waterway System”. Science of the Total Environment, 2017. (pdf)
Z. Zhu*, N. Oberg, V. Morales, J. Quijano, B. Landry, M. García. “Integrated Urban Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modelling in Chicago, Illinois”. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2016. (pdf)
A. Goodwell, Z. Zhu, D. Dutta, J. Greenberg, P. Kumar*, M. García, B. Rhoads, R. Holmes, G. Parker, D. Berretta, R. Jacobson. “Assessment of Floodplain Vulnerability during Extreme Mississippi River Flood 2011”. Environmental Science & Technology, 2014. (pdf)
E. Hui*, X. Hu, C. Jiang, F. Ma, Z. Zhu. “A Study of Drag Coefficient Related with Vegetation Based on the Flume Experiment”. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2010. (pdf)

- Confucius -
“Reviewing what you have learned and learning anew”
Journal Publications
* indicates presenter; students and visiting scholars in our group are marked in bold.
Z. Zhu*. "Effectiveness and Optimal Planning of Rain Barrels/Cisterns for Reducing Combined Sewer Overflows at the City Scale". International Symposium on Sustainable Water Science and Green Infrastructures (SWSGI). (Invited Talk)
H. Khorasani* and Z. Zhu. "A revisit to the lake phosphorus retention hypotheses and models". 14th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics. (presentation)
Z. Zhu*, S. H. Ghodsi, L. S. Matott, A. J. Rabideau, and M. N. Torres. "Simulation-Optimization Methods for Reducing Combined Sewer Overflows using Green Infrastructure". American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. (Invited Talk)
H. Khorasani* and Z. Zhu. “Investigating Fast- and Slow-settling Phosphorus Fractions in Lakes using Steady-state Modeling”. EGU General Assembly. (poster)
M. N. Torres*, A. J. Rabideau, Z. Zhu, and K. Meindl. "Permeable Pavements Impact On Combined Sewer Overflows." International Conference on Water Management Modeling. (presentation)
H. Khorasani* and Z. Zhu. “Evaluating the Hypotheses of the Steady-state Phosphorus Models for Lakes”. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. (poster)
H. Khorasani*, J. Xu, T. Nguyen, P. Westerhoff, N Dai, and Z. Zhu. “Modeling Haloacetonitrile Formation Potential Associated with De Facto Wastewater Reuse in the Illinois River”. AWRA 2020 Virtual Annual Water Resources Conference. (poster) (Student Poster Runner-Up Winner)
Z. Zhu*, D. Soong, F. Fitzpatrick, M. García, J. Vegrzyn, J. Berens, and T. Garcia. “FluOil, a tool for modeling the fate and transport of oil-particle-aggregates in rivers”. Inland Riverine Spill Rapid Travel Time and Fate/Transport Tools Meeting. (presentation)
H. Khorasani, R. Kerachian, M. M. Aghayi, B. Zahraie and Z. Zhu. “Assessment of the Impacts of Sewerage Network on Groundwater Quantity and Nitrate Contamination: Case Study of Tehran”. 2020 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress (paper)
Y. Li, S. Bennett and Z. Zhu. “Modulation of Turbulent Flow by Surrogate Asian Carp Eggs”. 2020 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress (paper)
S. B. Chun*, S. H. Ghodsi, and Z. Zhu. “Predicting Combined Sewer Overflow Occurrences from Rainfall Data Using Statistical Methods”. 53rd International Conference on Water Management Modeling, 2020. (poster)
M. N. Torres*, K. Macro, L. S. Matott, Z. Zhu, and A. J. Rabideau. “Application of OSTRICH-SWMM for Green Infrastructure optimization: Case study of the City of Buffalo”. 53rd International Conference on Water Management Modeling, 2020. (presentation)
S. H. Ghodsi*, Z. Zhu, and A. Rabideau. “Investigating rain barrel effectiveness on combined sewer overflow reduction in a city-scale watershed”. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2019. (presentation)
M. N. Torres, Z. Zhu, Z. Ahmed and J. P. Rodriguez*. “A Methodology to Prioritize Subcatchments for Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems Allocation in Large Cities”. 2019 IAHR World Congress. (paper)
D. Soong*, Z. Zhu, F. Fitzpatrick, J. Vegrzyn, J. Berens, T. Garcia and M. García. “A New Modeling Tool for the Fate and Transport of Oil-Particle-Aggregates in Rivers After an Oil Spill”. Federal Interagency Sedimentation and Hydrologic Modeling Conference (SEDHYD). (presentation)
Y. Hui*, Z. Zhu and J. F. Atkinson. “Analyzing the Effects of Wind and Stratification on Surface Currents in a Large Lake”. 2019 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress. (paper) (Best Student Paper Award)
Y. Hui*, Z. Zhu, D. Schlea, T. Redder, and J. F. Atkinson. “Preliminary model analysis for nearshore nutrient dynamics in Lake Ontario”. IAGLR’s 62nd Annual Conference, Brockport, New York, USA, 2019. (presentation) (Finalist of Best Presentation Award)
A. M. Saharia*, Z. Zhu, A. N. Farhadzadeh, and J. F. Atkinson. “Modeling the effects of seiche events in Lake Erie on Buffalo River flooding”. IAGLR's 62nd Annual Conference, Brockport, New York, USA, 2019. (poster)
M. N. Torres, Z. Zhu and J. P. Rodriguez*. “A prioritization tool for SUDS planning in large cities by coupling an Urban Drainage Model with Mixed Integer Linear Programming”. 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling. (paper)
Z. Zhu*, K. Macro, M. Shahed Behrouz, S. Matott and A. Rabideau. “An Optimization Tool for Green Infrastructure Planning with SWMM”. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington. D.C., USA, December 10-14, 2018. (poster)
M. N. Torres, Z. Zhu, Z. Ahmed and J. P. Rodriguez*. “A two-stage GIS-based methodology to support optimal Green Infrastructure allocation for large cities”. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington. D.C., USA, December 10-14, 2018. (presentation)
Y. Hui*, J. F. Atkinson and Z. Zhu. “Modeling nutrients dynamics in Lake Ontario”. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington. D.C., USA, December 10-14, 2018. (poster)
D. Soong, Z. Zhu*, F. Fitzpatrick, T. Garcia and M. García. “Modeling the Transport of Oil-Particle-Aggregates (OPAs) in Rivers after an Oil Spill”. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington. D.C., USA, December 10-14, 2018. (presentation)
A. M. Saharia*, Z. Zhu and J. F. Atkinson. “Modeling the fate and transport of nanoparticles from combined sewer overflows in the Buffalo River”. IAGLR's Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research, Toronto, Canada, June 18-22, 2018. (poster)
Y. Hui*, Z. Zhu and J. F. Atkinson. “Mass balance analysis and calculation of wind effects on heat fluxes in large lakes”. IAGLR's Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research, Toronto, Canada, June 18-22, 2018. (poster)
Y. Hui*, J. F. Atkinson and Z. Zhu. “Hydrodynamic and ecological model framework in Lake Ontario”. 8th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Indiana, USA, June 4-7, 2018. (presentation)
D. K. Fytanidis*, S. Santacruz, Z. Zhu, A. R. Waratuke and M. García. “Simulating Control-Structure Ratings using Computational Fluid Dynamics: The case of Lockport Powerhouse, Illinois”. 8th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Indiana, USA, June 4-7, 2018. (presentation)
K. Macro*, Z. Zhu, S. Matott, A. Rabideau and Z. A. Hamstead. “Progress toward a Multi-Objective Decision Support System for Integrating Green Infrastructure into Urban Planning”. World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, June 3-7, 2018. (poster)
M. N. Torres*, Z. Zhu and J. P. Rodriguez. “Development of a prioritization tool of cities’ sub-catchments for the optimized siting of Green Infrastructure. Case of study: Bogotá (Colombia)”. World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, June 3-7, 2018. (presentation)
M. Shahed Behrouz*, Z. Zhu, D. Soong and T. Garcia. “Analyzing Asian Carp Spawning Location and Timing using Coupled Hydrodynamics and Egg Transport Modeling”. World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, June 3-7, 2018. (poster)
S. Hamed Ghodsi*, Z. Zhu, Z. Zahmatkesh, R. Kerachian and E. Goharian, “LID implication for urban runoff management in response to climate change impacts”. World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, June 3-7, 2018. (presentation)
K. Macro*, Z. Zhu, L. S. Matott, A. Rabideau and Z. A. Hamstead. “A Multi-Objective Optimization Tool for Green Infrastructure Planning”. Women Engineers Local Providence Collegiate Competition, Rhode Island, USA, April 20-22, 2018. (poster) (One of the five Graduate finalists and received third place)
K. Macro*, Z. Zhu, S. Matott, A. Rabideau and Z. A. Hamstead. “Progress toward a Multi-Objective Decision Support System for Integrating Green Infrastructure into Urban Planning”. NYWEA's 90th Annual Meeting, New York, USA, 2018. (presentation) (Second place in oral presentation competition)
Z. A. Hamstead*, Z. Zhu, S. Matott and A. Rabideau. “Integrated decision support for vacant land reuse”. 2017 ACSP Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, 2017.
A. F. Muñoz, M. N. Torres*, J. E. Fontecha, Z. Zhu and J. P. Rodríguez. “A methodology for optimal sitting of sustainable urban drainage systems. Case study: Universidad de los Andes campus”. 14th IWA/IAHR International Conference on Urban Drainage (ICUD 2017), Czech Republic, 2017. (paper)
M. Shahed Behrouz*, Z. Zhu, D. Soong, and T. Garcia. “Analyzing Asian Carp Spawning Location and Timing using Coupled Hydrodynamics and Egg Transport Modeling”. North East Graduate Student Water Symposium, Massachusetts, USA, 2017. (presentation)
Y. Hui*, J. F. Atkinson, and Z. Zhu. “Simulating Thermal Characteristics in Lake Ontario”. North East Graduate Student Water Symposium, Massachusetts, USA, 2017. (poster)
Z. Zhu*. “An Integrated Modeling Approach for Urban Stormwater Management”. ASCE-EWRI International Perspectives on Water Resources & the Environment conference (IPWE), China, 2017. (presentation)
Z. Zhu* and M. H. García. “Numerical modeling of sediment traps after the 2010 Kalamazoo River oil spill, Michigan, USA”. The 8th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics (River Flow 2016), 2016. (paper)
D. Soong*, T. Garcia, J. Duncker, Z. Zhu, S. Butler, M. Diana, and D. Wahl. “Assessment of Hydraulic Conditions Supporting the Recruitment of Asian Carp in the Illinois Waterway – A Case Study Using Known Spawning Events of 2015”. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 2016. (poster)
T. Garcia*, Z. Zhu, D. Soong, and J. Duncker. “Predicting development, transport, and dispersion of Asian Carp eggs and larvae in the Illinois River after the 2015 spawning event observed near Utica, IL”. Illinois Water Conference, 2016. (presentation)
F. A. Fitzpatrick*, M. H. García, Z. Zhu, D. Waterman, E. Hayter, M. Boufadel, and J. S. Hassan. “Formation, Transport, and Breakup of Submerged Oil Particle Aggregates in Freshwater Riverine Environments”. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, 2016. (presentation)
F. A. Fitzpatrick*, R. Johnson, Z. Zhu, D. Waterman, R. McCulloch, E. Hayter, M. H. García, M. Boufadel, T. Dekker, J. S. Hassan, D. Soong, C. Hoard, and K. Lee. “Integrated Modeling Approach for Fate and Transport of Submerged Oil and Oil-Particle Aggregates in a Freshwater Riverine Environment”. The Joint 10th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference and 5th Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference (SEDHYD), 2015. (paper)
Z. Zhu*, D. Waterman, and M. H. García. “Modeling the Transport of Oil-Particle Aggregates from a Diluted Bitumen Spill in Kalamazoo River, Michigan”. Society for Freshwater Science (SFS) Annual Meeting, 2015. (presentation)
F. A. Fitzpatrick, M. Boufadel, R. Johnson, K. Lee, T. Graan, A. Bejarano, Z. Zhu, D. Waterman, D. Capone, E. Hayter, S. Hamilton, T. Dekker, M. H. García, and J. S. Hassan. “Oil-Particle Interactions and Submergence from Crude Oil Spills in Marine and Freshwater Environments – Review of the Science and Future Science Needs”. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015-1076, 33 p, 2015. (pdf)
T. García*, Z. Zhu, R. P. Jackson, E. A. Murphy, A. Valocchi, and M. H. García. “Three-dimensional Lagrangian model for fate and transport of Asian Carp eggs”. XIX Int. Conf. on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR), 2012. (poster)
A. Goodwell*, Z. Zhu, D. Dutta, J. Greenburg, P. Kumar, M. H. García, B. Rhoads, G. Parker, D. Berretta, and R. Holmes. “Landscape vulnerability analysis from historic Lower Mississippi River flood in 2011”. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 2012.
Z. Zhu*, V. Morales, T. Sinha, and M. H. García. “Numerical modeling study on the potential impacts of hydraulic structures in the Guayas watershed, Ecuador”. The 7th IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (RCEM), 2011. (paper)