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1/11/2023 Paper accepted for publication in Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts
A. Alali, S. Wang, Z. Zhu*, and J. Atkinson. “Formation of oil-particle aggregates with motor oil and kaolinite clay in cold and warm...

12/25/2022 Paper accepted for publication in Water Research
S. H. Ghodsi, Z. Zhu*, L. S. Matott, A. Rabideau, and M. N. Torres. “Optimal siting of rainwater harvesting systems for reducing combined...

11/18/2022 Paper accepted for publication in Frontiers in Environmental Science
Y. Yang, S. Wang*, Z. Zhu, and L. Jin. “Prediction model and consequence analysis for riverine oil spills”. Frontiers in Environmental...

09/01/2022 Paper accepted for publication in Frontiers in Water
Y. Shen, Z. Zhu, and C. Jiang*. “E-DBCM: A Dynamically Coupled Upland and In-stream Water Quality Model for Watershed Water Quality...

8/26/2022 Paper accepted for publication in IJERPH
C. Hu, B. Liu, S. Wang, Z. Zhu, A. Adcock, J. Simpkins, and X. Li*. “Spatiotemporal Correlation Analysis of Hydraulic Fracturing and...

8/12/2022 Zhenduo Zhu gave lectures at a summer school
Dr. Zhenduo Zhu gave two lectures at a summer training program titled "Remote Sensing Information Processing and Its Application in the...

08/03/2022 PhD thesis defense -- Angshuman Saharia
Angshuman Saharia successfully defended his PhD thesis, Flooding and Contamination Assessment in an Urban Freshwater Coastal River. He...

6/1/2022 Project funded by NOAA - New York Sea Grant
A project, “Using coupled hydrodynamic and coastline erosion modeling to predict the impact of physical drivers influencing native fish...

6/3/2022 Paper accepted for publication in AQUATIC ECOSYSTEM HEALTH & MANAGEMENT
Y. Hui, D. Shlea, J. F. Atkinson*, Z. Zhu, and T. Redder. “Model Development in Support of Lake Ontario Cooperative Science and...

7/19/2022 Zhenduo Zhu gave an invited talk at SWSGI
Dr. Zhenduo Zhu gave an invited talk, "Effectiveness and Optimal Planning of Rain Barrels/Cisterns for Reducing Combined Sewer Overflows...
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