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Lab Head

Zhenduo Zhu

Associate Professor, 2023.7-Present, Tsinghua University

Assistant Professor, 2016.8-2023.7, University at Buffalo, SUNY

Postdoc, 2016.1-2016.8, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Ph.D., 2012.1-2015.12, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

M.S., 2009.8-2011.12, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

B.S., 2005.8-2009.5, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

More about Zhenduo Zhu

Former Members at SUNY Buffalo

PhD Students
Ph.D. 2018-2023

Research Interest: Integrated water resources management and water quality modeling

Ph.D. 2022-Present
(Prof. Joseph Atkinson lead advisor)

Research Interest: Hydrodynamics and sediment transport

Ph.D. 2015-2021
(Prof. Joseph Atkinson lead advisor)

Thesis Title: Phosphorous Dynamics and Eutrophication in Nearshore Lake Ontario: Insights from Hydrodynamic and Ecological Modeling

Ph.D. 2017-2021

Thesis Title: Urban Stormwater Management and Green Infrastructure Planning: Predicting and Abating Combined Sewer Overflows

Visiting Ph.D. 2017-2019
Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
(Prof. Juan Pablo Rodríguez Sánchez lead advisor)

Thesis (link): A multi-scale optimization methodology for Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) allocation in large cities

Ph.D. 2017-2022
(Prof. Joseph Atkinson lead advisor)

Thesis Title: Flooding and Contamination Assessment in an Urban Freshwater Coastal River

MS Students
M.S. 2016-2018

Thesis (link): Automatic Calibration of Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) with Multi-objective Optimization

M.S. 2016-2017

Project (link): Modeling of Fecal Indicator Bacteria in Urban Waterways using Artificial Neural Networks

M.S. 2017-2018

Thesis (link): Achieving urban stormwater management goals through the optimization of green infrastructure with OSTRICH-SWMM

M.S. 2018-2020

Thesis (link): Predicting Combined Sewer Overflow Occurrence from Rainfall Data

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M.S. 2018-2020

Project: Relation between silver carp spawning and river flow using reverse-time egg transport analysis

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M.S. 2020-2021

Project (link): Interpretable tree-based ensemble model for predicting beach water quality

M.S. 2021-2022

Project: Effectiveness of Rain Gardens in Mitigating Combined Sewer Overflows in Buffalo

M.S. 2021-2022

Project: Tracing Lawn Care Chemicals in Urban Stormwater

Visiting Students and Scholars
Visiting Ph.D. 2018-2019
Hohai University, China

Project (link): Improving the Robustness of Beach Water Quality Modeling using an Ensemble Machine Learning Approach

Visiting Scholar, 2019-2020
University of Science and Technology Beijing, China

Project (link): Riverine deposition pattern of oil–particle aggregates considering the coagulation effect

Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate, 2017 summer

Research Project: Studying spawning timing and location of invasive carps in the Mississippi River basin.

Undergraduate, 2017 summer

Paul worked in Dr. Zhu's group through the National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. See his publication.

Undergraduate, 2018 summer

Bryceton worked in Dr. Zhu's group through the National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program.

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Undergraduate, 2019 summer

David worked in Dr. Zhu's group through the National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program.

Undergraduate, Fall 2019 - Summer 2021

Project (link): The Impacts of Climate Change and Porous Pavements on Combined Sewer Overflows

© 2016-2023 by Zhenduo Zhu

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