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07/10/2019 Congratulate Maria on her PhD defense

Maria Narine Torres Cajiao successfully defended her PhD thesis on July 10. Congratulations!

Title: A multi-scale optimization methodology for Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) allocation in large cities


The interest in Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) as a complementary measure for the management of rainwater and runoff in urban centers has increased during the last years. Due to the multi-functional nature of these systems, decision making regarding their optimized location and selection is a considerable challenge. Although there are many decision-making tools for planning of SUDS are available today, none is potentially applicable for the scale of a large city or for the context of developing countries. This doctoral thesis proposes a multi-scale methodology that allows to find the best SUDS configurations. This tool optimizes SUDS benefits (in terms of reduction of runoff volumes and sewer overflows) and suggests configurations at the city-level (sub-basin prioritization) and sub-basin level (location, selection of typology, and size) at the lowest cost.

Advisors: Dr. Juan Pablo Rodriguez and Dr. Zhenduo Zhu

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