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06/03/2021 Paper accepted for publication in Journal of Hydrology
M. N. Torres, J. E. Fontecha, J. L. Walteros, Z. Zhu, Z. Ahmed, J. P. Rodríguez, and A. Rabideau, “City-scale optimal location planning...

05/12/2021 Paper accepted for publication in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Y. Hui, J. F. Atkinson, Z. Zhu, D. Schlea, and T. Redder, “Invasive Dreissenid Mussel Effects on Phosphorus Dynamics in Lake Ontario:...

05/10/2021 Paper accepted for publication in Journal of Hydrology
Y. Hui, Z. Zhu*, J. F. Atkinson, and A. M. Saharia, “Impacts of Phosphorus Loading Temporal Pattern on Benthic Algae Growth in Lake...

04/26/2021 Hamed Khorasani won the CSEE department Graduate Research Award
PhD student Hamed Khorasani won the department 2021 Outstanding Graduate Research Award! During the last year, Hamed has presented his...

03/21/2021 Paper accepted for publication in Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Y. Hui, D. Farnham, J. F. Atkinson, Z. Zhu, and Y. P. Feng, “Circulation in Lake Ontario: A Numerical and Physical Model Analysis”, has...

2/1/2021 Congratulate Yilan Li on her graduation
Yilan Li graduated with a MS degree. Congratulations! Yilan worked on both experiment and modeling of the transport of fish eggs in...

1/1/2021 Project funded by Great Lakes Research Consortium
A project, “Advancing the prediction and mitigation of harmful algal blooms (HABs) through the inclusion of algal ecology and nutrient...

12/8/2020 Hamed Khorasani presented a poster at AGU meeting
Hamed Khorasani presented “Evaluating the Hypotheses of the Steady-state Phosphorus Models for Lakes” at the American Geophysical Union...

12/8/2020 Congrats to Hamed Khorasani, Student Poster Runner-Up Winner
Hamed Khorasani presented “Modeling Haloacetonitrile Formation Potential Associated with De Facto Wastewater Reuse in the Illinois River”...

11/27/2020 Paper accepted for publication in IJAEOG
D. Yin, L. Wang*, Z. Zhu, S. Clark, Y. Cao, J. Besek, and N. Dai. “Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and Cropland Change Affecting Water...
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