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12/18/2018 Paper accepted for publication in Environmental Modelling & Software
K. Macro, L. S. Matott, A. Rabideau, S. H. Ghodsi, and Z. Zhu*. “OSTRICH-SWMM: A New Multi-Objective Optimization Tool for Green...

08/28/2018 Paper accepted for publication in Journal of Great Lakes Research
"Mass Balance Analysis and Calculation of Wind Effects on Heat Fluxes and Water Temperature in a Large Lake" has been accepted for...

07/25/2018 Paper accepted for publication in Computers & Geosciences
"HydroSedFoam: A new parallelized two-dimensional hydrodynamic, sediment transport, and bed morphology model" has been accepted for...

06/06/2018 Paper accepted for publication in Water
"Using Copulas to evaluate rationality of rainfall spatial distribution in a design storm" authored by Leizhi Wang et al. has been...

06/05/2018 Paper accepted for publication in Ecological Modelling
Our paper "Using Reverse-time Egg Transport Analysis for Predicting Asian Carp Spawning Grounds in the Illinois River" has been accepted...

01/31/2018 Paper accepted for publication in Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Our paper "Modeling the Transport of Oil-Particle Aggregates Resulting from an Oil Spill in a Freshwater Environment" has been accepted...

11/14/2017 Paper accepted for publication in ASCE-Journal of Environmental Engineering
Our paper "Modeling Fecal Indicator Bacteria in Urban Waterways using Artificial Neural Networks" has been accepted for publication in...

2/26/2017 Paper accepted for publication in Urban Water Journal
"Impact of Combined Sewer Overflows on Urban River Hydrodynamic Modeling: A Case Study of the Chicago Waterway" by Zhu, Morales, and...

08/29/2016 Paper accepted for publication in Science of the Total Environment
"Three-Dimensional Model to Capture the Fate and Transport of Combined Sewer Overflow Discharges: A Case Study in the Chicago Area...
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