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03/13/2020 Seyed Hamed Ghodsi at Three Minute Thesis Competition
PhD student Seyed Hamed Ghodsi was one of the 12 finalists at the University at Buffalo's Fourth Annual Three Minute Thesis Competition...

02/26/2020 ICWMM Conference
MS student Soo Bin Chun and Dr. Maria Narine Torres presented their research on green infrastructure and combined sewer overflows at the...

2019 Lab Mug
The 2019 Lab Mug, the second lab-designed mug! Very grateful to all of the students who have worked in the lab during 2019: Angshuman M...

12/20/2019 Paper accepted for publication in BMC Ecology
C. Liao, J. B. Xavier*, and Z. Zhu*, “Enhanced inference of ecological networks by parameterizing ensembles of population dynamics models...

12/09/2019 AGU Fall Meeting
Seyed Hamed Ghodsi attended the AGU Fall Meeting and presented his research on green infrastructure and urban stormwater management:...

12/04/2019 Paper accepted for publication in Journal of Hydrology
M. Shahed Behrouz, Z. Zhu*, L. S. Matott, and A. Rabideau, “A new tool for automatic calibration of Storm Water Management Model (SWMM)”,...

11/04/2019 Seminar talk at Syracuse University
Zhenduo Zhu was invited to give a seminar talk at the Syracuse University on urban green infrastructure and stormwater management.

10/30/2019 Seminar talk at Boston University
Zhenduo Zhu was invited to give a seminar talk at the Boston University on urban green infrastructure and stormwater management.

10/21/2019 Paper accepted for publication in Journal of Hydrology
S. H. Ghodsi*, Z. Zahmatkesh, E. Goharian, R. Kerachian, and Z. Zhu. “Optimal Design of Low Impact Development Practices in Response to...

Hamed and Yilan passed PhD qualify exams
Congratulations to Yilan Li and Hamed Khorasani in passing their PhD qualify exams! A new journey starts...
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