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10/01/2019 UCESF@UM
Dr. Zhu attended the US-China Environment and Sustainability Forum at the University of Michigan on Oct. 1 and 2.

09/27/2019 Paper accepted for publication in Environmental Modelling & Software
M. N. Torres*, J. E. Fontecha, Z. Zhu, J. Walteros, and J. P. Rodríguez. “A participatory approach based on stochastic optimization for...

08/12/2019 Paper accepted for publication in Science of The Total Environment
A. M. Saharia, Z. Zhu*, N. Aich, M. Baalousha, and J. F. Atkinson, “Modeling the transport of titanium dioxide nanomaterials from...

08/07/2019 UB REU symposium
Undergraduate student David Huang presented his summer project at the UB REU symposium. The National Science Foundation REU Site at the...

07/30/2019 NYS WRI poster symposium
Seyed Hamed Ghodsi, Yilan Li and Dr. Zhenduo Zhu visited the New York State Water Resources Institute, located at Cornell University, to...

07/10/2019 Congratulate Maria on her PhD defense
Maria Narine Torres Cajiao successfully defended her PhD thesis on July 10. Congratulations! Title: A multi-scale optimization...

06/27/2019 Presentation at SEDHYD 2019
Zhenduo Zhu co-authored in a presentation, “A New Modeling Tool for the Fate and Transport of Oil-Particle-Aggregates in Rivers After an...

UB's civil engineering program recognized as 4th best in the country, 11th in the world
See here. UB’s civil engineering program is ranked number four in the country and 11th in the world according to the Academic Ranking of...

PhD candidate Yuan Hui receives David Dolan Scholarship from IAGLR
Yuan Hui received the David M. Dolan Scholarship from the International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) for her work on...
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